Paris €29.72 (-0.20%)
Veolia Group
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In my area
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  • Africa - Middle-East
    • Africa
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  • Australia and New Zealand
Specialty Brands
  • Nuclear Solutions
  • Sarpi
  • Sede
  • Seureca
  • Water Technologies
  • Industries Global Solutions

Students, trainees and recent graduates

Over to the youngsters! Do you want to give the start of your career a boost? Looking for an internship? Want to work and study at the same time? Veolia will support you and your ambitions. Because you are the future. Welcome!
Chongqing parc indsutriel
Work and study Thought about work-study? Welcome!
Fancy a helping hand at the end of your studies? Come and present your dissertation and win a trip
Open-minded and adaptable? Our PANGEO program is for you!
Relationship with schools
Looking for an internship in a company that devises innovative and sustainable solutions?
Want to know about our mind-set and plunge into our world in France for 10 days? Give your early career a boost at Veolia!