Paris €29.72 (-0.20%)
Veolia Group
  • Up To Us
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In my area
  • North America
    • North America
    • Canada
  • Latin America
    • Latin America and Iberia
    • Panama
    • Portugal
    • Spain
  • Africa - Middle-East
    • Africa
    • Middle East
  • Asia
    • China
    • Hong-Kong
    • South Korea
    • India
    • Japan
    • Singapore
  • Europe
    • Germany
    • Ukraine
    • Belgium
    • Bulgaria
    • France
    • Netherlands
    • Hungary
    • Ireland
    • Poland
    • Czech Republic
    • United Kingdom
    • Romania
    • Slovakia
    • Finland
  • Australia and New Zealand
Specialty Brands
  • Nuclear Solutions
  • Sarpi
  • Sede
  • Seureca
  • Water Technologies
  • Industries Global Solutions

Our recruitment process

The recruitment steps may be different depending on the country and the position you are applying for. 

4 steps:

My application:

I consult the job offers, internships, VIE or apprenticeship. I select the offer that I am interested in, then I apply directly online. My application is then considered.

My interviews:

If my application matches the profile we are looking for, I meet the Veolia teams during an HR interview and then an interview with my future manager, in person or by video. 
This is an opportunity to learn more about the position offered and the work environment; it is also an opportunity to highlight my motivation and skills and to discover the many opportunities that will be open to me (training, career development, benefits, and more!).

I receive an answer.

If I am selected, the HR teams will make me a job offer.

I join Veolia: I become a Resourcer!

On my first day, I am welcomed by my HR reference person or my manager and I meet the teams.

Writing a resume that makes a difference

  • I adapt my CV to the position I am applying for, with a clear title. 
  • I am explicit: my CV is precise and concise! I describe the projects I have carried out and the successes I have achieved. 
  • I think about the "skills" section, which will allow me to highlight abilities that do not appear in my experience.
  • If I am a recent graduate, I include my extracurricular experiences.

Succeeding in my interviews

  • I find out about the Veolia group and/or the subsidiary for which I am applying. 
  • I anticipate the questions I might be asked by preparing my answers in advance.  
  • I illustrate my exchange with examples and concrete cases. This way, I can better transmit my knowledge, my passions and develop my motivations.
  • I am myself. The interviews allow me to know if the missions, the company's culture and the team correspond to me, to ensure the success of my experience.

More than 4,000 job offers online.

Become a Resourcer 
to turn the tide!