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Corporate Social Responsibility

Ecological transformation is our purpose 

Never before have ecological imperatives been so immediately identifiable and their consequences on our societies so obvious for the world’s population. By positioning itself as the benchmark company for ecological transformation, Veolia is committed to accelerating the deployment of innovative solutions. The Group works in consultation with all its stakeholders, convinced that economic, environmental, social and societal imperatives must be considered as an inseparable whole. Its sustainable development commitments are at the heart of its purpose and its multifaceted performance approach.

Environmental, social and societal performance integrated into a multifaceted performance approach 

The environmental, social and societal performance commitments are integrated into the Group's strategic plan, Impact 2023, which is driven by a multifaceted performance approach that places the same level of attention and requirements on all of the Group's performance dimensions (Commercial, Economic and Financial, Social, Societal and Environmental).

Veolia is committed to:

Veolia's multifaceted performance is implemented through 18 progress objectives


Amongst these 18 objectives, 11 specify the Group's priorities for action in the social, societal and environmental dimensions of its performance. They correspond to the priority objectives of Veolia's CSR policy.

A key contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Veolia's purpose is to contribute to human progress, by resolutely adhering to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the UN, in order to achieve "a better and more sustainable future for all".

Veolia is involved to a greater or lesser extent in the implementation of each of the 17 UN SDGs, with a direct impact on 13 of them.

9 SDGs directly related to its activities

As a player in urban services, Veolia has a major role in the management of essential water and wastewater services (SDG 6), energy (SDG 7) and waste management (SDG 11). The Group promotes innovative industrial production (SDG 9) and more responsible consumption through the circular economy (SDG 12). Through its solutions, it also contributes to the challenges related to climate (SDG 13) and ecosystems (SDG 14 and 15). Finally, by promoting access to essential services, Veolia contributes to the reduction of inequalities (SDG 10).

3 SDGs linked to its organisational priorities as a responsible company

Veolia is working to develop the skills of its employees with a view to employability, but also to create value for its clients and territories through the network of campuses (SDG 4). The Group is committed to gender equality in the workplace and is working to increase the number of women in its professions and managers (SDG 5). Veolia is committed to supporting responsible growth by promoting decent working conditions for all, while respecting the human rights of its employees, subcontractors and suppliers (SDG 8).

1 key SDG as a lever in achieving the SDGs

As a local operator, Veolia interacts with all its stakeholders to jointly develop solutions adapted to the challenges of the regions. By developing new partnerships, relying on the complementary expertise provided by its partners and the creation of shared value, Veolia is helping to strengthen the means of implementing the SDGs (SDG 17), Alliance to End Plastic Waste, Toilet Board Coalition.

Ecological Transformation, time to act!
Read excerpts from the integrated report and download the full version.
This document sets out the key data on Veolia’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) performance.
As a company listed on the CAC 40, Veolia is rated for its CSR performance based on its published information and statements.